Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Customer care trainee report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Customer care trainee report - Essay Example On a simpler note, it is about delighting the customers so that they will continue doing business with the company. Customer service is also defined to be a sequence or even a cycle of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction which is the feeling that a service or a product has met the customer's expectation. Finally, for a customer, it is "a function of how well an organization is able to constantly and consistently exceed the needs of the customers." ("Making A Point of Good Customer Service") Maximizing profit by providing excellent quality service is necessary and crucial. Companies need to know the way to succeed from the combination of customer loyalty, efficiency, and revenue. For most successful firms, they put customers at the core of organization's business system making it the most important aspect for profit generation. What makes companies be at the top of the game at the market place is the commitment to achieving and exceeding customer satisfaction and their continuous self assessment on how well their products and services fulfill the needs and expectations of the clientele. In order to sustain the competition, these companies have to show vision, diligence, and passion to benefit the customers. As a result of this belief, successful firms continuously deliver superior value to customers, at times, regardless of the products conditions. For instance, one's products may appear to be obsolete compared to others; however, top businesses are still able to sell t hese goods because of their ability to build the products' value to the customers on a consistent and continuous basis. Value is created by explaining the benefits of the products or services, addressing concerns, queries, or problems, and uncovering the needs of customers. A company that can present greater advantages to a customer is the frontrunner at the business world. Companies lose so much when they ignore the customers' needs, do not show any distinctive competence or customer empathy. Many products remain to be unsold and even with excessive marketing efforts; it still cannot influence customers to avail of either the products or services. It further irks the customers when they feel that companies are only after their money through alluring advertisements and publicities, and nothing more. The skill to be able to deliver the value to your clients is through excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills and active listening. There are simple rules on how to maintain exceptional quality customer service starting with learning how to listen. It is said that when customers have complaints, it is usually because of something. Companies need to accept complaints positively; first, as a chance to give more details about a concern, second, as a means to learn something. Through this, companies are given the opportunity to better their goods and services at the proposition of the customers. Interrupting a complaining client is never a good way to resolve issues; on the contrary this is the easiest way to drive them away. Remember that one unsatisfied customer tells about twenty people and a business cannot afford to lose clients simply because they cannot patiently listen to customers concerns or that they take things

Monday, October 28, 2019

Etrade Baby Essay Example for Free

Etrade Baby Essay A Talking Infant, Financial Systems, Golf What do a talking baby, stock markets, and golf all have in common? Nothing, right? Wrong. E*Trade – a popular public online financial services group – uses all three of these entities to create a commercial that has had people talking for years. When the commercial is over, you are left in shock at what you just saw, a baby in a high-chair talking about the stock market. But will the ad’s weirdness produce sales of the company’s program for years to come as well? Or just make it a highly talked about YouTube video? To the contrary, E*Trade does a professional job in conveying its message of simplicity to â€Å"average Joes† who are looking to either become day traders, start a retirement fund, or even banking. E*Trade’s main audience is not a person with a net worth or five million dollars. E*Trade is looking to sell their product to â€Å"average joe† type clients. It can be assumed this because E*Trade uses the financial term â€Å"401k† in their commercial; this is the most popular tax investment form everyone has. The main character of the commercial is â€Å"The E*Trade Baby,† but there’s a catch, the baby speaks with a mature older man’s voice. This adds a sense of weirdness to the commercial right off the bat. One may question the validity of a company whose commercials star a talking baby, but this is a clever marketing approach because if people see a talking baby, something they don’t see every day, they will immediately become engaged in the commercial. E*Trade uses a baby as a symbol for inexperience, simplicity and an older man’s voice for knowledge. E*Trade wants to show the audience that if a baby can you use the program, so can the audience. They also want to show knowledge, that E*Trade is a reliable and trusted company, so they use the voice of an older man to portray legitimacy. E*Trade wants to declare that â€Å"Yes, this is a legit company and yes, we’re simple to use,† so a talking baby fits in perfectly to both categories. Just like the Old Spice commercials talked about in class, the E*Trade Baby ads have many spinoffs with numerous situations the baby is in. The commercial I am focusing on is set in a golf country club locker room. The ad starts off with the baby talking to a man named Frank. The baby says â€Å"Ah, this is weak, man. Frank’s trying to not pay me my winnings for the skins beat down I just issued him. † The baby has now caught the attention of the audience with this opening line because people are drawn into the weirdness of a talking baby in the commercial. Now when he starts to talk about finance and what the company actually does, viewers will be already engaged. Not only does the talking baby raise questions that attract us to this ad, but there are many other. For instance, why is a baby playing golf with old man? And why is there a computer in the locker room of a country golf club? All All these questions have no answers but it draws us into the commercial and makes us connected to it, hopefully throughout the commercial we will find answers to these questions, but in this case we do not. E*Trade’s goal is to get a lot of publicity and attention with their commercials while providing us with the smallest amount of information. This is because E*Trade wants people to inquire about the company and have them visit E*Trade’s website us. etrade. com. Once on the website, people will be impressed by the fancy website that proves it is a legitimate company, and lured into signing up for an account The baby says â€Å"His (Frank) 401k’s tankin. Ya gotta grab the reins man. Get E*Trade, do some analytics, do some research (into the stock market), and take charge so I don’t have to subsidize your lack of skills. † There’s actually a lot of information about the company and its message all in that little saying. The E*Trade baby uses a clever balance a financial terms and jokes to put the viewer in an informal setting while talking about a big decision a person must make. E*Trade is not an elite company for only the â€Å"one-percenters† to use. E*Trade’s goal is to get skilled and novice users with just a little amount of money to open an accountant. Using the term 401k is strategically brilliant because everyone who works for a company most likely has one. E*Trade could have used any tax form number, but chose the most popular one to relate to the most people and with the current economy, it’s probably on the minds of most people right now. When the baby says, â€Å"Do some analytics, do some research, and take charge,† he is describing the job of the novice investor. The baby is now describing that when using the E*Trade software, you are able to look at analytical charts and graphs, read news articles and research about potential stock purchases and basically to take charge of your life. E*Trade does not buy and sell stock for you; you have to do it yourself. You are in control of the future and E*Trade presents the question â€Å"What are you going to do to prepare yourself for it? † It’s hard to tell whom is the exact audience E*Trade is trying to promote itself to, but assumptions can be made. Since it is a golf setting in a country club, they are focusing on males anywhere from 20s to 60s (the general range of persons with a 401k). E*Trade did a good job picking a wide range of ages with this advertisement, which is what makes it such a good ad! Since the ad is set in a country club locker room, E*Trade is also advertising to a certain class of people I believe: well educated men who know a think about finance and who play golf. Golf is an expensive sport. I think if you have money to play golf you would be interested and would know the benefits of investing. But are they also advertising to a whole inclusive audience with a cute baby to grab the attentions of mothers and grandmothers? Only the directions and producers know that answer. You can have a good commercial, the best commercial ever known to man. But if you don’t have the right exposure no one will see it. E*Trade played this commercial before and after Superbowl XLII on February 1, 2009. Back to what was said before on the age of the audience, 20s to 60s. That basically sums up the audience of the Superbowl as well; perfect. E*Trade picked the most opportune time to run this commercial and not only reaches its projected audience, but all 90 some odd million people that tune in each year to watch the game, and the commercials. Another part of the commercial that is important to take into consideration is the point of view in which we view the commercial. Since the program E*Trade is used on a computer, the great minds behind this commercial put the camera where a usually webcam should be. This is to provide a visual of where the user of E*Trade’s product will be using the product. This is brilliant because now we see the baby sitting in a chair in front of the computer using a keyboard and a mouse, in the same spot where we would use the program was well. The E*Trade Baby Commercial is trying to sell to their audience a financial services program available to download on the computer. E*Trade does a good job in getting the attention of its viewer and making a hard subject of finance fun and entertaining. E*Trade describes everything that their company’s mission statement says that they are, â€Å"A financial services ompany that is simple to use. Designed with the user in mind. † There is no doubt in my mind that this commercial will go down as a classic and will have people talking about the â€Å"E*Trade baby† for years to come. To respond to the question previously stated in the beginning of this paper. Even though this commercial will be popular for years to come, will the ad produce sales of the company’s program for years to c ome as well? It turns out, no. When a person is looking to invest in money, they normally look for a company that is well-reputable and well-respected. Humor is no doubt, un-debatable, a marketing tool to grab the attention of a viewer, but humor in advertising is very hard to pull off because you simply never know what people will laugh out. Some think it funny, others think it’s not. In order for a commercial to use humor, the company should be trying to sell humor. Clearly E*Trade does not sell humor.. Instead of a talking baby to grab the audience’s attention and provide a laugh, E*Trade should create a well-informative commercial that captures the audience’s attention and show how one can benefit from using E*Trade.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Catch-22 and the Theme of Death Essay -- Catch-22

Catch-22 and the Theme of Death    There are many ways for a man to die, but there is no way to bring him back after he has entered the world of dead. Catch-22 is a novel satirizing war, and because of this, it inevitably has a strong underlying theme of death. But unlike many war novels, Catch-22 doesn't use violent depictions of fighting or bloody death scenes to denounce the evils of war; it utilizes humor and irony to make an arguably more effective point. And even more importantly, Catch-22 is ultimately a novel about hope, not death. Although the inevitability of death is still a prominent motif, it eventually leads the main character, Yossarian, to realize that the desire to live is important and also that he can't simply live; he must live free of hypocrisy and oppression.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Nately's whore plays a major part in conveying the message about life and death in Catch-22, even though she doesn't become an important character until the novel nears its climax. Although Yossarian is only the messenger bearing the bad news of Nately's death, Nately's whore holds him responsible and follows him back to Pianosa in an attempt to murder him. Yossarian manages to repeatedly escape from her, but only as long as he continues to disobey the illogical and immoral rules of the military. When he agrees to meet with Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn, she catches him and seriously injures him. This may imply that by submitting to the oppression of the bureaucratic military system, Yossarian is only headed towards death and disaster. And in the midst of Yossarian's final revelation and his decision to desert the military, Nately's whore was hiding behind a door, ready to stab him. But ... ...but the desire to live is the most important impulse a man can have. But Yossarian can't live a life of hypocrisy or oppression under the military; this is what finally pushes him to desert. The knowledge that Orr finally paddled all the way to Sweden gives him hope, and he sees the only path he can take to be free. He knows it will be difficult, but he knows there is no alternative for him.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Although Catch-22 is a novel about war, it is not only about death. The message it ultimately conveys is one of hope. Yossarian finally realizes that the basic instinct to survive is the most important quality of a man, and that he must follow his impulse and escape from the military, which will only lead him to his death. Catch-22 may allow the military to do whatever the people can't stop it from doing, but it can't destroy hope.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pauline Ethics Essay

1.Why is it necessary that actions proceed from moral and spiritual vision? It is necessary that actions proceed from moral and spiritual vision because the attainment or accomplishment of our vision or goals is when we will be able to put it into action. What is in hearts and minds must be seen through our actions because grace to Apostle Paul work in the inside out. Like Apostle Paul, his ethical teaching flows from a moral vision. For him, to be a Christian is to able to do God’s will. To know the Christian codes of right conduct and behavior, we must have the moral capacity to act on them. In short, if one has moral character then one will act morally. In Colossians 3:1-2, Paul said that â€Å"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.† If we are seeking after the exalted Lord Jesus Christ then it envisions our practical pursui t of spiritual goals. Then to set our minds on things above, emphasizes that we have the spiritual capacity to accomplish those spiritual goals. For example, one of my moral visions is to be more patient enough or to control my being hot tempered against unreasonable people. In order to attain this goal of mine then I have to pray for them to become matured enough and also ask God to give me wisdom in dealing with them especially in giving responses, reactions or comments to what they say. Further, I have to befriend them and try to reach out with their needs. All these moral and spiritual visions will be accomplished through our actions since we participated in the death and resurrection of Christ; we are now being transformed into new person by God’s grace. 2. How do the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love affect the practice and conduct of your own particular profession? These three virtues affect the practice and conduct of my profession in such a way that as a Social Worker I am committed to help the less fortunate people or people who are deprived from their own rights (esp. the indigent) in the upliftment of their lives. Because of my faith that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and that He will provide all our needs according to glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19) then I have to keep going, not to be discouraged in helping these clients. This virtue of faith drives me to hope that someday, somehow, these less fortunate people will rise from their present situation and be able to exercise their right and duties as citizenry of our country. Also to pursue my commitment, I have the duty to love these people as Jesus loved me unconditionally. There are times that it’s not easy to love especially if I encounter rude people but to be able practice my faith, I ought to do so. 3.How would you foster ethical/moral values in the following realities? a.Consumerism – buying only what I need (want vs. need). By being practical and maximizing my resources to the fullest. Also when buying something, do not be brand conscious but focus on the usefulness of that thing. b.Mundane and Profane tendencies – not to conform to the pattern or evil desires of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind†¦ (Romans 12:2) even if it is the trend. To stand out against the world. c.Relativism – by respecting one’s faith and beliefs. Also being open to the perspective of others not to be so closed with what I know and how I understands different things in life but be willing to share or exchange with one’s opinion and ideas. d.Technological Dependence – for me by choosing only what is applicable to my need and demand of times. Personal relationship should not be sacrificed just because of this high technology. e.Economic Scarcity – being resourceful and practical and maximizing the full potential of such – (Principle of supply and demand). For example, there was food scarcity in a certain area because of typhoon devastation. Relief goods were distributed and so there were crowd falling in line. In this case, I would give priority to senior citizens, the sick, pregnant and the handicapped, though all of them have equal need. 4.How do you exercise your particular profession in the perspective of the following Christian Gifts (Romans 12:4-11)? a.Prophecy – For me, when I was in the National Irrigation Administration as Irrigator’ Development Officer, I do a lot of field work, meetings, and trainings. I always inject the word of God in giving opening prayers in the conduct of meetings and trainings. Even when I do home visitations, during informal sessions with my clients I inspire them with the words of God especially when they open-up their problems and difficulties in life. In that way, I know I was able to exercise this gift of prophesy. b. Practical Service – When I perform my duties and responsibilities, I do it with all my heart not to please my boss or co-worker but to please God. Since we have a multi-task function in the office before, even cleaning the comfort rooms, (when our janitor retires and our office did not hire anymore instead we are task to do additional janitorial works) I do it with gladness. I told myself that this will not degrade my profession because even Jesus washed the feet of His disciples as an example of true humility and service. c.Teaching – In conducting seminars and trainings with the farmers, I think I do exercise this gift God has given in relation to the teaching of Christ. Like for instance, one the principles that we emphasize with our farmer clientele is the principle of sharing (e.g. there must proper sharing of irrigation water). This principle is in light with the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ to share what we have to those who don’t have. I give instruction, rules and regulations as a way of teaching in the attainment of target/desired goals of our agency. d.Encouragement – This gift is attached to my profession I think especially to deal with different kinds of people with different ethical behavior. I need to practice this gift in order for me to attract or influence these farmers in the performance of their duties and responsibilities as partners of irrigation development. To encourage is my â€Å"capital† to become effective IDO. e.Almsgiving – to perform my duties and responsibilities in the office, I am willing to give my time beyond the prescribed office hour (8 hours a day) without expecting a reward or additional compensation. I always stay in the office beyond office hours just to comply with the deadlines reports and other pertinent works or when my superior asked me to do something. f.Position or Authority – whenever I am tasked to do something, for example, assign me to lead or spearhead a particular program/project, I always accept it without hesitation and I have to perform to the best of my ability involving my team in all aspects of the project because I believed that team approach is more effective way in accomplishing a particular activity/project. g.Acts of Mercy – in working with my officemates and rendering service with my farmer-clientele, I do it by heart and with joy. I have to enjoy my work so that I will not get burn-out. I still remember when I do field work and do home visitations with the farmer leaders, they even open-up their problems regarding their private life and I do some counseling and offer prayers for them and this developed a closer relationship with them. 5.Why is it necessary to contextualized Pauline Ethics in your own field of expertise? By contextualizing Pauline Ethics in my own field of expertise I can share/bring the â€Å"good news† or the love of God to my clientele. By exercising the seven Christian Gifts and the various codes of Christian conduct, I believe I can help in the transformation of their lives just like what Jesus did for us. And hopefully not only our direct clients will be influenced but their family circle and the whole community as well. A concrete example of this is when I conduct training, imparting to my farmer clientele the value of self-discipline in light of distribution irrigation water, payment of irrigation fees, etc. but it does not end up with the irrigation water alone but relating it to the whole aspect of their lives. I was amazed that I have seen the impact of this with their lives through evaluation and some farmers will give feed-backs on the positive impact of the training in their li ves. 6. Defend or Refute: The transformation of one’s life from vice to virtue, and alienation to reconciliation is the byproduct of grace. I strongly agree that the transformation of one’s life from vice to virtue and alienation to reconciliation is the byproduct of grace. The transformation of our character from negative to positive is not by our own strength. If we want to change and have transformation it’s only by God’s grace. As Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9, He said to me, â€Å"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.† He promised grace for Paul’s pain. It means therefore that in our weaknesses, God’s power is sufficient. Grace simply means God’s help, intervention and strength in our weakness. Our vices or character deficiencies can be replaced with virtues or character assets by trusting God’s grace. By participating in Christ’s work and our confession that He is our Lord and Savior means transformation of our lives so that we can live our lives in accordance to God’s will. We are alienated before because of our sinful nature which we inherited from Adam and Eve, but because God loves us so much, He gave His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins. So with Christ death on the cross we were being reconciled to God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, â€Å"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not from yourselves it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.† Our salvation is by God’s grace- gift of God (undeserved gift) through faith but we have to ask (open our hearts and let Christ reign in our lives) so that we will receive this gift of salvation. We cannot earn our own salvation but it’s only by God’s grace! 7. Defend or Refute: To live through commitment and not merely by inspiration means to be faithful to God. Yes I agree to this statement. To be faithful to God means a commitment to live our lives to Him and not merely by inspiration. For Paul when he was converted in Damascus, he started to commit his life to God no matter what the cause maybe. In the practical side of it, to live our lives through commitment is living with a purpose and direction. Once we are committed to do something, we do it consistently, not mechanically but with all our mind and heart having the assurance and certainty that God will be glorified. By doing so it follows the joy and love in performing the act not by force or compulsion. On the other hand, we should not live only by mere inspiration not just to enjoy life and be contented to what will happen. For example, one way to be faithful to God is to pray every day – giving thanks to Him for all the circumstances He brought in my life and entrusting to Him all my concerns and even my future. I should do this consistently and accept whatever God’s response. Another way of my being faithful to God is by giving my tithes and offering regularly. 8. Defend or refute: If one acts on the basis of the responsibility of love, he is free. No. I disagree because love never ceases. Love must continue to be our motivating factor to act. Love will go on eternity for God is love. 1 John 4:8, â€Å"God is love! God is eternal; therefore love is eternal as well. Paul writes, in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, â€Å"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal†¦ v. 13 â€Å" And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. We will never be free because we have the debt with our fellowmen and that is the debt to love them regardless of the race, status, physical attributes, etc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Victimless: Crime and His/her Business Thrive

ss Possession and carrying a firearm or the illegal purchase of a firearm is indeed a victimless crime. The possession of a firearm is a victimless crime because no one is harmed in the process, no one is complaining about the activities, and you are not leaving a victim behind. These offenses are not usually listed as victimless crimes because people believe guns kill people. While you are in the process of a legal or illegal purchase of a firearm, no one is being harmed in the process. A salesman is selling and a buyer is buying, it is as simple as that. The gun is being transferred from POINT A to POINT B.Even in the case of the purchase of an illegal firearm the case is same. The salesman is not aware of the buyers intentions. There is absolutely no harm being done in the transaction of a purchase. The gun is not going to load itself in the case and fire off. Also while you are in the process of purchasing a legal or an illegal firearm, neither side of the party is complaining ab out the activities that are taking place. The salesman is making a sale, and is content on making his/her business thrive. The buyer is buying a product that he/she is inquiring about. In this case, a firearm and in conclusion no harm is done.During the purchase of a legal or an illegal firearm, there is no damage being done at that moment. No damage to property nor to any people. Therefore you are not leaving behind a victim. When you purchase anything, there is no harm being done in any case. For example; you are not harming anyone when you are purchasing a pizza, or purchasing a slurpee at a mini market, or buying you monthly groceries for your home. It is simply a harmless purchase and no damage is being done. These offenses are not usually listed as victimless crimes because people believe that guns kill people, when in fact people with guns kill people.Some other examples of â€Å"victimless crimes† are prostitution, gambling, and purchasing/selling drugs. These are vic timless crimes because no one is harmed and no one complains of the activities. Again I would like to remind my readers that possession and/or carrying a firearm is considered a victimless crime in my opinion because you can purchase a firearm without harming anyone, without either party complaining of the activity, your are not leaving a victim behind, also neither party is damaging people or property.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

21st century literacy Essays

21st century literacy Essays 21st century literacy Essay 21st century literacy Essay What is 21st century literacy? 21st century literacy is demanding a literate person that has a wide range of abilities. These abilities must be multiple and forceful. The active, successful participants in this 21st century global society must be able to develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology; build intentional cross- cultural connections and relationships with others so to pose and solve problems collaboratively and strengthen independent thought; design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes; manage, analyze, and ynthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information; create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts; attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments (NCTE). This all depends on understanding the difference in media that can make up our high-tech reality and producing the skills to use them forcefully. Literacy then and now has changed a lot. History provides multiple examples of societies trying to make a connection to go into their communication infrastructures two centuries ago. Using the technologies in the past, people pursued methods by which they might be able to communicate faster, easier, and better. To this day we still look for better communication methods, only now we have countless choices, along with new gears and tactics with greater knowledge of effective communication. Digital and visual literacies are the next wave of communication specialization. Most people will have technologies at their fingertips not only to communicate but to create, to manipulate, to design, to dots). Kids are learning this ith technology even when they dont realize it. The lack of education is a problem and the situation is impaired in the field of education.. A common situation today is a classroom filled with digitally well- educated students being led by linear-thinking. There has been a mutual void in professional development for faculty this needs training to increase the necessary computer skills to mix technology into the curriculum effectively. Children now a day learn everything about technology and use technology every minute of the day. We ave to change the way technology is used to teach learning across all departments. This change will slowly come however, without vision combined with practical, familiar goals and motivations that inspire people to grip a new digital and visual literacy skill independently and collectively. Future literacy is a thought experiment about the demise of literacy and the upcoming of other skills, capacities or tools that will effectively and advantageously displace reading and writing. Literacy is a capability we privilege above all others. It s a universal good. It is widely viewed as a prerequisite for success and personal development. By contrast, illiteracy is understood to be an impairment. 21st century is changing everything forever. Work cited The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies. NCTE Comprehensive News. N. p. , n. d. web. 12 sept. 2013. Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) I EDUCAUSE. edu. Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) I EDUCAUSE. edu. N. p. , n. d. web. 12 sept. 2013.

Monday, October 21, 2019

passing of the buff essays

passing of the buff essays In the New World, Europeans looked for ways so bring wealth. The source of wealth came from many different trades, the fishing aspect, oil, gold, slavery, and most of all land. Coming with the land wild animals that could be hunted, for sport, food, and most important fur. The fur that came from these animals was largely used in the world for clothing, leather for protection in the army, and to make the finest clothes from. The discovery of the buffalo help the fur trade really take off in the 1400. The first Europeans thought to discover the buffalo were the Portuguese in Africa in 1415. The buffalo hides were carried home and sold at premium prices all over Europe. The move westward to North America by the Portuguese found another kind of buffalo. The beast was an annormous creature weighing over a ton and measuring 12 feet in length. The buffalo roamed most of the continent of North America at this time. At about the year 1500, the buffalo were believed to have numbered more than 70 million individuals and were perhaps the most numerous, large mammalian species on the planet. This brought about the great fur trade in the new world, the English, Spanish, and French sought the fur of the buffalo and were in heavy competition for the animal. With the early colonization of the eastern sea board of America nearly wiped out the eastern buffalo. By 1720, the eastern buffalo consisted of a few small herds that had been by-passed and over looked in the mountainous areas. In 1790, according to a New York Zoological Society report, those hidden in the mountainous region had been reduced to 1 herd numbering 3 to 400 animals. In 1815, a bull was killed near Charleston, West Virginia. In 1825, a cow and her calf were killed in the Alleghenies. This was the last of not only the eastern buffalo but also the buffalo east of the Mississippi River. By ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jean-Baptiste Bernadottes Role in the Napoleonic Wars

Jean-Baptiste Bernadottes Role in the Napoleonic Wars Born at Pau, France on January 26, 1763, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte was the son of Jean Henri and Jeanne Bernadotte. Raised locally, Bernadotte elected to pursue a military career rather than become a tailor like his father. Enlisting in the Rà ©giment de Royal-Marine on September 3, 1780, he initially saw service in Corsica and Collioure. Promoted to sergeant eight years later, Bernadotte attained the rank of sergeant major in February 1790. As the French Revolution gathered momentum, his career began to accelerate as well. A Rapid Rise to Power A skilled soldier, Bernadotte received a lieutenants commission in November 1791 and within three years was leading a brigade in General of Division Jean Baptiste Klà ©bers Army of the North. In this role he distinguished himself in General of Division Jean-Baptiste Jourdans victory at Fleurus in June 1794. Earning a promotion to general of division that October, Bernadotte continued to serve along the Rhine and saw action at Limburg in September 1796. The next year, he played a key role in covering the French retreat across the river after being defeated at the Battle of Theiningen. In 1797, Bernadotte left the Rhine front and led reinforcements to the aid of General Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy. Performing well, he received an appointment as ambassador to Vienna in February 1798. His tenure proved brief as he departed on April 15 following a riot associated with his hoisting of the French flag over the embassy. Though this affair initially proved damaging to his career, he restored his connections by marrying the influential Eugà ©nie Dà ©sirà ©e Clary on August 17. The former fiancà ©e of Napoleon, Clary was sister-in-law to Joseph Bonaparte. Marshal of France On July 3, 1799, Bernadotte was made Minister of War. Quickly showing administrative skill, he performed well until the end of his term in September. Two months later, he elected not to support Napoleon in the coup of 18 Brumaire. Though branded a radical Jacobin by some, Bernadotte elected to serve the new government and was made commander of the Army of the West in April 1800. With the creation of the French Empire in 1804, Napoleon appointed Bernadotte as one of the Marshals of France on May 19 and made governor of Hanover the following month. From this position, Bernadotte led I Corps during the 1805 Ulm Campaign which culminated with the capture of Marshal Karl Mack von Leiberichs army. Remaining with Napoleons army, Bernadotte and his corps were initially held in reserve during the Battle of Austerlitz on December 2. Entering the fray late in the battle, I Corps aided in completing the French victory. For his contributions, Napoleon created him Prince of Ponte Corvo on June 5, 1806. Bernadottes efforts for the remainder of the year proved rather uneven. A Star on the Wane Taking part in the campaign against Prussia that fall, Bernadotte failed to come to the support of either Napoleon or Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davout during the twin battles of Jena and Auerstdt on October 14. Severely reprimanded by Napoleon, he was nearly relieved of his command and was perhaps saved by his commanders former connection to Clary. Recovering from this failure, Bernadotte won a victory over a Prussian reserve force at Halle three days later. As Napoleon pushed into East Prussia in early 1807, Bernadottes corps missed the bloody Battle of Eylau in February. Resuming campaigning that spring, Bernadotte was wounded in the head on June 4 during fighting near Spanden. The injury forced him to turn command of I Corps over to General of Division Claude Perrin Victor and he missed the victory over the Russians at the Battle of Friedland ten days later. While recovering, Bernadotte was appointed governor of the Hanseatic towns. In this role he contemplated an expedition against Sweden but was forced to abandon the idea when sufficient transports could not be gathered. Joining Napoleons army in 1809 for the campaign against Austria, he took command of the Franco-Saxon IX Corps. Arriving to take part in the Battle of Wagram (July 5-6), Bernadottes corps performed poorly on the second day of fighting and withdrew without orders. While attempting to rally his men, Bernadotte was relieved of his command by an irate Napoleon. Returning to Paris, Bernadotte was entrusted with command of the Army of Antwerp and directed to defend the Netherlands against British forces during the Walcheren Campaign. He proved successful and the British withdrew later that fall. Crown Prince of Sweden Appointed governor of Rome in 1810, Bernadotte was prevented from assuming this post by an offer to become the heir of the King of Sweden. Believing the offer to be ridiculous, Napoleon neither supported nor opposed Bernadotte pursuing it. As King Charles XIII lacked children, the Swedish government began seeking an heir to the throne. Concerned about the military strength of Russia and wishing to remain on positive terms with Napoleon, they settled on Bernadotte who had shown battlefield prowess and great compassion to Swedish prisoners during earlier campaigns. On August 21, 1810, the Ãâ€"retro States General elected Bernadotte crown prince and named him head of the Swedish armed forces. Formally adopted by Charles XIII, he arrived in Stockholm on November 2 and assumed the name Charles John. Assuming control of the countrys foreign affairs, he began efforts to obtain Norway and worked to avoid being a puppet of Napoleon. Fully adopting his new homeland, the new crown prince led Sweden into the Sixth Coalition in 1813 and mobilized forces to battle his former commander. Joining with the Allies, he added resolve to the cause after twin defeats at Lutzen and Bautzen in May. As the Allies regrouped, he took command of the Northern Army and worked to defend Berlin. In this role he defeated Marshal Nicolas Oudinot at Grossbeeren on August 23 and Marshal Michel Ney at Dennewitz on September 6. In October, Charles John took part in the decisive Battle of Leipzig which saw Napoleon defeated and forced to retreat towards France. In the wake of the triumph, he began actively campaigning against Denmark with the goal of forcing it to cede Norway to Sweden. Winning victories, he achieved his objectives through the Treaty of Kiel (January 1814). Though formally ceded, Norway resisted Swedish rule requiring Charles John to direct a campaign there in the summer of 1814. King of Sweden With the death of Charles XIII on February 5, 1818, Charles John ascended to the throne as Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway. Converting from Catholicism to Lutheranism, he proved a conservative ruler who became increasingly unpopular as time passed. Despite this, his dynasty remained in power and continued after his death on March 8, 1844. The current King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf, is a direct descendent of Charles XIV John.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mr. Empanada Strategy recommendations Research Paper

Mr. Empanada Strategy recommendations - Research Paper Example At the same time, the firm avoids its weaknesses by utilizing its opportunities. According to the National Restaurant Association Study, casual dining represents 31.59% of the total food service sales. To possess a significant proportion of that percentage, therefore requires unique strategies to be competitively advantageous. Figure 1. casual dining percentage of total foodservice sales For Mr. Empanada to exceed franchises and bring in new investors to exceed his business, I recommend that his company adopt a strategy that gives his firm a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage refers to the advantage a firm has over its rival firms. Competitive advantage allows the company to increase sales, profits and retain more customers than the competitors. Competitive advantage also allows the company to generate more value for its sustenance and for the shareholders. Competitive advantage is derived through the firm’s strengths that include the firms cost structure, products , distribution network and customers support. There are two main routes to options development for competitive advantage. Those that are market based and those that are resource e based. Within the market-based approach, three main routes include the generic strategies, market options and expansion methods. The three fundamental strategic options available to an organization are referred as the generic strategies and include; Cost leadership This strategy aims at placing the organization amongst the lowest cost producers in the market. Empanada, can achieve overall cost leadership through various means. To start with, his firm can take advantage of economies of scale through franchising. By doing that, the purchases for his restaurants can be affordable in low prices given by the distributors as compared to the competitors. Due to large volume of purchases, the firm ought to attract cash discounts. Secondly, this objective can be achieved through globalization of operations. Franchi sing can be done in international level to increase the market share in many countries. This is advantageous due to wide awareness created. Strategic alliances can also be fruitful in this endeavor. The firm can decide to relocate to low cost parts of the world where labor is cheap and sources of supplies are many and cheap. This strategy is beneficial in outperforming rivals and erecting barriers to entry. Differentiation This option aims at developing and targeting a product that is different in some significant way from its competitors in the market place. Uniqueness in products through emphasis upon one or more elements of marketing mix as perceived by the target market is important as it offers a scope for distancing the company from its competitors expecting competitive advantages. This objective can be achieved through creating of strong brand identities. The firm can enhance its uniqueness through product engineering and creative flare generated from strong research (Nilsson , Fredrik & Birger 412). The firm can also employ the corporate reputation for quality service through strong cooperation from all channels of distribution. Having long tradition in the field of food and beverage in the food industry can give the firm a competitive advantage. Focus Focus strategy is also known as the niche strategy and involves targeting a small market segment where

Synthesis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Synthesis Paper - Essay Example In the story, Eighner assumes the role of the dumpster diver narrates how he, together with Lizbeth went from living a comfortable life to life in the streets where their survival depended on dumpsters. This transition came after they became homeless. The main points from Eighner’s story are: Today the cost of living in cities is exorbitant. The continued rise in the cost of basic goods and services exerts a lot of pressure on low-income earners(Ehrenreich 152). In addition, unfavorable factors in their places of work add to the pains of the poor as they deal with the demands of modern life. First, low-income earners work for several hours without a break. The effect is that by the time they get home, the low-income earner is so tired they that cannot take a second job to supplement their primary income, even if such a job was available. Most low-income earners are paid poorly by their employers(Ehrenreich 152). This is partly sobecause most of them lack formal education and work as casuals. This conditions severely erodes their ability to bargain for better pay. As result, most low-income earners struggle to pay their basic bills like rent, water and electricity. This means that they cannot save for retirement. The majority of low-income earners work under harsh physical conditions. An example is a factory worker. Even though conditions of work are much better today than during the industrial revolution, for instance, the factory worker still has to endure uncomfortable conditions. Some of these conditions include poor ventilation and poorly designed lifting operations. The latter could expose the worker to back problems. Moreover, most employers do not cover their casual workers under healthcare plans. These plans take care of the treatment of an employee in the event that they suffer injury while at work. Some employers mistreat their employees by scolding them in front of their colleagues instead of correcting them

Friday, October 18, 2019

Survey Paper for Desktop Virtualization Assignment

Survey Paper for Desktop Virtualization - Assignment Example The notion of desktop virtualization is turning out to be a deliberate IT practice in the recent years (Intel Corporation 3-20). The survey paper intends to explore the concepts associated with desktop virtualization and the various techniques used with it. The differences amid the techniques and its useful performances will be evaluated for better understanding. Hosted desktop virtualization is a situation wherein the server positioned in the data center hosts the virtual machines. In this form of interface, the connection to the server is made through connection brokers wherein the user receives the interface with the help of the standard protocols, for instance, the Remote Desktop Protocol. With regard to hosted desktop virtualization, the market leader is the VMware Inc. and Virtual Iron Software Inc. is at the subsequent position (Santosus 1-6). This technique provides several benefits to the clients such as the standardization, flexibility along with cost savings. Client virtualization uses the â€Å"hypervisor† model software which is connected to the client device so that one desktop is able to run numerous operating systems efficiently. This is different from the hosted virtualization as it runs numerous operating systems. The leader in the market for the client virtualization is VMware Inc. and Microsoft Corporation (Santosus 1-6). It is effective as it provides security and cost effectiveness to a great extent and also operates as cloud client virtualization (Grumke 3-35). The aim of desktop virtualization is not to condense the number of the personal computers. The motive of virtualization is to decrease the complexities related with deploying along with maintaining the client devices. This is an important way of increasing the life span of the processing. Hosted desktop virtualization technique leads to better

Foundations of Accounting 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Foundations of Accounting 2 - Essay Example The cash flow is not an estimate of your sales and expenses; rather it is an estimate of when the money associated with sales or in any other income generating account will be received and when the money paying the expenses will be paid out. Budgeted Profit and Loss differs from a budgeted cash inflow or outflow where much of the data for the budgeted income statement come from other budgets already prepared. For example, sales figures come from the sales budget. Cost of goods sold is based on unit cost of production (and the direct materials budget). The direct labour budget provides labour cost information. And the manufacturing overhead budget provides overhead cost information. While that of a cash budget, it merely provides a forecast of cash disbursements and cash realization. D) PRINCIPLES OF GOOD BUDGETING ARE NOT ALWAYS FOLLOWED IN PRACTICE because of different types of constraints. One of which is the financial stability of the business and of the industry. Rising prices and rising costs of different materials for a manufacturing business, for example, has one of the greatest effects on the business, it has to make the company cut its expenses and therefore has a direct effect on the forecasted financial statement. Even though there are several ways in making sure that projections do happen, it is still subjected to uncertainty the occurrence of which can greatly affect the financial standing of the company. There are also instances that a good budget is not always effective when there is a personal interest involved in the project, that is, management or any person attached to a certain project has its own personal goal that is detrimental to the company. Therefore, proper ‘attitude’ should be observed and there must be a common goal towards a certain action. E) ESTIMATING SALES FOR THE NEXT ACCOUNTING PERIOD is done thru a forecast or a budget. Sales forecasting is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Education - Assignment Example Education helps discover the hidden talent and potential of an individual and then work on it to improvise it. Education does not only mean studying in schools and earning good grades. The true essence of education lies in discovering the inner being and transforming it into a cultured, intellectual figure. In this research, we shall analyze the evolution of education into one of the most important needs for mankind. We shall study the effects of education on our societies. We shall also discuss the power that an educated person has in the society, to make a change. Education has made man come out of the caves and transform his world into a place full of opportunities and convenience. In the ancient times when education was not very common, it was basically perceived orally and by observing things. A standard form of education had not developed in the societies. Due to this, knowledge about things in the environment and life was transferred informally from the elders to their young. This transferred knowledge was different for all adults since every human perceives and observes their surroundings in a different manner. As humans became more aware about their surroundings, they realized the need of a standard form of education. This evolved into a concept of formal education which was not given by their household members, in the context of religion, customs (Hughes, More). This was the step towards a formal learning process for mankind. After some time, societies and civilizations started becoming more complex and people started working on acquiring skills to earn their livelihoods. This created an eagerness to learn more from skillful people and a realization that they should learn useful things from experienced people on the job side for example; agriculture, fishing, preservation of food, stone work, metal work, construction, boat building etc. Literacy was more related to administration of the

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his Essay

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end How should this function in the - Essay Example However, during the 2nd century, there was an increasing belief in the resurrection and the ultimate judgement of those that die before the day of judgement. The belief is that the dead will be woken up and some will proceed to enjoy everlasting life while the rest will suffer everlasting disgrace and reproach. This paper will review the effect of the creeds, particularly the Nicene Creed on the faith of modern-day Christians, by exploring its meaning, why it is a creed and its relevance for Christians. Discussion The Christians of today get the basis, for the interpretation of the creed, by exploring the subject covered by the creed during the time of Jesus. During his time, the New Testament tells of the division that existed in the understanding developed around the question, among the Sadducees and the Pharisees, like it is mentioned through Acts 23:8, Mark 12: 18 and Mathew. 22:23 (Muldoon, 2013). However, the position of Jesus about the question was made clear through the accou nt of the gospels. Among the eschatological accounts contained in the bible, which talk about the end of the world, the most memorable is contained in Mathew chapter 25. Through the account, Jesus said that after the return of the son of man, alongside the angels, all nations will be assembled before him, so that he can choose those to be blessed and those to be damned (Ayres, 2006). From the passage, the stand of Jesus is clear that, after people die, God judges all and separates the good from the bad. The stand taken by Jesus, amidst the division about the question of the future and what happens to the dead offers Christians the basis, for arriving at the understanding that death does not separate God from his people; that death does not end all (Ayres, 2006). Further, the stand adopted by Jesus gives the Christians of today, the faith to stand by all good values, walking according to the decrees of God and to remain faithful in their service to God. The emphasis of faith in God i s evident from the ultimate course taken by God after his return, which offers Christians the faith that, in whatever things and experiences they go through, he expects them to stand by his values (Muldoon, 2013). Through Standing by him, the ultimate promise, which is the backbone of their faith, is contained in the role of God in deciding those to be blessed and the ones to suffer the pain of damnation. The meaning of the creed is straight forward and clear, when making the promise to those that keep their faith in the lord. First, it starts by emphasizing the nature of the coming of the son of man, contrasting it with the past times when he came to the world, because he will be accompanied by the glory of a king (Muldoon, 2013). It emphasizes that he will come in glory, and with the main goal of judging all people, whether they are living or dead. The emphasis of the judgement of the dead and the living, gives emphasises to the importance of keeping faith while alive in the world , due to the knowledge that death will not mark the end of God’s people (Ayres, 2006). For the Christians that still keep their faith in God, the promise is clear that, whether he will return to find them alive or dead, the price will be the same – which is an eternal place in the new kingdom (Bauckham, 1993). The promise offered to those that kee

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Education - Assignment Example Education helps discover the hidden talent and potential of an individual and then work on it to improvise it. Education does not only mean studying in schools and earning good grades. The true essence of education lies in discovering the inner being and transforming it into a cultured, intellectual figure. In this research, we shall analyze the evolution of education into one of the most important needs for mankind. We shall study the effects of education on our societies. We shall also discuss the power that an educated person has in the society, to make a change. Education has made man come out of the caves and transform his world into a place full of opportunities and convenience. In the ancient times when education was not very common, it was basically perceived orally and by observing things. A standard form of education had not developed in the societies. Due to this, knowledge about things in the environment and life was transferred informally from the elders to their young. This transferred knowledge was different for all adults since every human perceives and observes their surroundings in a different manner. As humans became more aware about their surroundings, they realized the need of a standard form of education. This evolved into a concept of formal education which was not given by their household members, in the context of religion, customs (Hughes, More). This was the step towards a formal learning process for mankind. After some time, societies and civilizations started becoming more complex and people started working on acquiring skills to earn their livelihoods. This created an eagerness to learn more from skillful people and a realization that they should learn useful things from experienced people on the job side for example; agriculture, fishing, preservation of food, stone work, metal work, construction, boat building etc. Literacy was more related to administration of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legislative Aspects of Nursing informatics Coursework

Legislative Aspects of Nursing informatics - Coursework Example vent that the breach involves more than 500 patients, then it is imperative that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also receive similar notification. Secondly, the act also establishes the necessity for health institutions through HER system to make it possible for individuals to access their PHI in an electronic format. In line with this, the act establishes that those who receive incentives should ensure that the system is of meaningful use, failure to which results in withdrawal of the said incentives. The act has also specified that vendors providing HER system directly qualify as business associates. To this end, the act intends to make it possible for more vendor/provider dialogue regarding matter of mutual interest, so that service provision becomes more effective. These reforms have potential impact in the practice of psychiatry. For instance, the act provides quality measure incentives through the Maintenance of Certification Program (MOCP), (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013). In addition to participation in MOCP for up to one year, the law requires that physicians must submit data on quality measures through the MOCP under PQRI. McGinigle and Mastrian (2013) observe three topical issues that are encountered in health informatics namely leadership challenges, limited functionality in clinical practice and education in terms of necessary competencies. Regarding leadership challenges, McGinigle and Mastrian note that there exists a knowledge gap within leadership in the sector, and more specific the nursing industry. IN the nursing context, the two advance that there is need for nurse leaders to acquire current skill set and knowledge that will allow them to understand and adopt modern information technologies imperative to delivery of quality care. It is therefore important for nurses and other medical practitioners alike to gain the necessary knowledge. On limited functionality in clinical practice, McGinigle

Monday, October 14, 2019

The primary target of Tennysons poetry Essay Example for Free

The primary target of Tennysons poetry Essay â€Å"The primary target of Tennyson’s poetry is Victorian greed and materialism. † How far do you agree with this view of Tennyson’s poetry? In your answer you should either refer to two or three poems in detail or range more widely through the whole selection. Tennyson throughout his poetry focuses on greed and materialism when reflecting on the changing times in society and the growing of ‘the work of the days of man’ and the golden age. He does this particularly in ‘Maud’ In ‘Morte D’Arthur’. ‘Maud’ is poem written about a man who loses his father after he is murdered by a business friend . Tennyson uses this as the basis to explore the mental instability of the speaker which he uses to explore other issues such as Victorian greed and materialism. In ‘Maud’ Tennyson undertakes a psychological exploration of the speaker ‘maud’ who seems to have gone mad after losing his father . He focuses on the greed and materialism on how the speaker’s father was unjustly killed by his fellow business partner . He says : ‘ gorged scheme that had left us flaccid and drain’d’ This literally translates as sucked us dry which shows how selfish the business partner was so on the whole reflects society’s greediness . Then Tennyson goes on to criticise the actions of society and you can see this clearly when the speaker talks of how ‘blessings of Peace? ’ have been ‘made into a curse’ by society. This implies to the reader that society has become so corrupt , greedy and selfish that even positive things , ‘blessings’ have been turned into bad things ‘curses’. The speaker muses on how no there are ‘pickpockets’ , ‘each hand lusting for all that is not its own’. There is now so much greediness in society that people want to own what is not theirs. Throughout the Victorian era there was a radical change with the advance of science for example Darwin and his evolution of species which went against Religious beliefs that God created Everything . Tennyson having strong faith in Christianity highlights how this new age ‘the golden age’ despite it’s breakthroughs poses danger to society and humanity through the speaker. The speaker says ‘these are the days of advance , the works of men of mind,’ . Tennyson using satire because he is mocking the idea of the works of men are and can be better than the the works of God and the substation of works ‘of God ’ with ‘of men of mind’ makes this very obvious to the reader.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Are We Addressing The Needs Of Our Schools? :: essays research papers

There are many problems that need to be addressed in the public schools today. What factors are causing these problems in the schools? The main causes are absence of prayer, the many pressures of school, lack of dress code, and insufficient numbers of caring teachers, faculty, and students.When I say lack of prayer in the schools, I don't mean lets make everyone one religion and every morning at school we can pray in that one religion. Instead there should be a moment of silence. Not to take up time but to let everyone have a moment to pray to whomever or however they wish. For the kid who's grandpa died and has to go to school because they need their two points for this six weeks. And the ones who wish not to pray can take that moment to just think. Lord knows we as high school students don't have much time to just stop and think. There are many pressures in the public schools. All of a sudden in high school everything changes. Everyone takes that first merger into "the real world". As a junior there is much more pressure put on the students. One minute a sophomore thinking "Yeah I'm going to college". While the next as a junior thinking "How on earth am I going to get to college". Now that we are juniors we are suppose to be grown up. Everything from "Where am I getting my gas money?" to "Where am I going to college?" is going through our minds all of the time, and yet some how we are supposed to come out calm and prosperous. All of this pressure and many of young adults do not get a chance to let it out. It is like tossing a human body in to outer space with no protection. It's a vacuum that just tears it apart piece by piece. Could this have been what caused the Columbine shooting? Perhaps there was so much pressure put on those two boys to be in the "in crowd" that one day they just couldn't take it anymore. A small element in all of this is the dress code. How sad is this? There is a shooting at least every year in a school, and administrators and teachers are worried about whether our shorts are too short. The office complains of girls wearing shorts that are too short when there are rather larger girls running around with an extra layer of skin.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Conrads Obsession with Voice in Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

Conrad's Obsession with "Voice" in Heart of Darkness For the moment that was the dominant thought. There was a sense of extreme disappointment, as though I had found out I had been striving after something altogether without a substance. I couldn't have been more disgusted if I had travelled all the way for the sole purpose of talking to Mr. Kurtz. Talking with . . . I flung one shoe overboard, and became aware that that was exactly what I had been looking forward to--a talk with Mr. Kurtz. I made the strange discovery that I had never imagined him as doing, you know, but as discoursing. Marlow in Conrad's Heart of Darkness The above quotation suggests what has been noted frequently in recent years as damnin...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Relationship between Faith and Reason

â€Å"Faith and Reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth† Explain the dangers for a theologian when faith and reason are divorced from each other. Use at least one example of a Christian teaching that shows the harmony of faith and reason The harmony of faith and reason are the grounds upon which many Christian teachings are built. This relationship enhances elements of both constructs, however the danger of separating reason from faith is that reason will endeavour to prove literally and most logically which would cause the ultimate goal and question to be lost in deliberation and, on the other hand, separating faith from reason would cause faith to be viewed as mere fable or superstition. The two must cooperate in equal conjunction in order for the human spirit to rise to the contemplation of truth as proposed in the encyclical letter ‘Fides et Ratio’ by the late supreme pontiff Pope John Paul II. Reason could be simply defined as the logical conclusion drawn from literal occurrences or the confirmed nature of a tradition or practise. However more elements of Reason hold true in addition to the prospect of something that can be ‘proven’. Reason is generally understood as the principals for a methodological inquiry, whether intellectual, moral, aesthetic or religious. 1 Any acquisition of intellectual knowledge, through either direct understanding or argument is a representation of ‘reason’ The Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Hebrews 11:1 states that â€Å"faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see†. The basis of faith is usually adapted from the authority of revelation whether that be direct (God speaking directly to a person), or indirect (books of the bible, sermons by priests, etc). Faith depicts a trust in God and his promises to his people. Pope John Paul II stated that through Christian teachings, what humans cannot see or touch is confirmed by faith2 Pope John Paul II, not only addresses the fallacious assertions of modern philosophers, but offers a remedy by demonstrating the truth of the Aristotelian or Tomistic worldview, showing that faith and science are by no means contrary to one another, but that it’s essential for the progression of humanity—of any kind—that faith and science (or reason) be used together. 3 The separation of the two cause a confusion, previously experienced by philosophers, that sections faith and science/reason as two detached entities. Viewing this detachment in its simplest formation, the human thinker surmises that for one to be faithful to God, and a religious being, they must reject all elements of reason and commit solely to the concepts of faith. Alternatively, one who would believe in a greater percentage of reason must be atheist as any rejection of God is inherently a rejection of faith itself. As the world develops and humans become more knowledgeable, it becomes impossible to deny certain facts; however this becomes a danger to all religious communities as by simplest thinking, trusting in any evidence is perceived as a rejection of trust in God. Herein lies the dangers for theologians; prior of course to John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio 2 3 Fides et Ratio, John Paul II Catholic Champion that acknowledges that â€Å"reason and faith cannot be separated without diminishing the capacity of men and women to know themselves, the world and God in an appropriate way †¦There is thus no reason for competition of any kind between reason and faith: each contains the other, and each has its own scope for action† As individuals, we must affectively reason within our own contexts and founded understandings of the world which we live, thus this will help us engage in our faith to make sense of the world we observe. 4 Noticeably it can be understood that faith, tradition and reasoning are intertwined within one another, you cannot have one without the other and all 3 elements are essential components in understanding and living ones faith. The harmony of faith and reason is best seen through the story of creation. â€Å"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible†5. This passage highlights the significance of the contributions from both faith and reason through Genesis and the early books of the bible to the validity of belief. Plato tried explaining man’s position in the world and the beginning of our time through the allegory of the windowless cave. In the simplest form, the cave presents the backdrop upon which a play of shadows takes place. The men in the cave watch this play being executed from a light source as the only reality they know. While rumours flare of an outside ‘world’ the play continues, and ‘reason’ creates speculation over what is about to happen next and theories are developed regarding the purpose. Over time, reason will explain most aspects of the show, but would only hold 4 5 Fides et Ratio, John Paul II 94 Hebrews 11:3 vidence enough to understand the earliest moments of the show. To reach full truth, faith needs to be introduced to actually believe in the initial source of light. Furthermore to the prospect, faith and reason question what happens if the light sources goes out; for the play will not â€Å"die† as death is merely an understood element of the play. No one was around at the time of creation and no one has a direct knowledge of what happened; so reason cannot c onfirm whether or not God did it. But reason does suggest that the universe is operating and therefore must have had a beginning. It is very intricately designed, from the basic laws of physics to the incredible complexity of the human brain. Whether a person looks at the beauty and exclaims, â€Å"There must be a God! † or whether that person has to sit down and calculate the probability of these things happening by chance, the conclusion of the honest seeker is that nature does not explain itself. Furthermore the reasonable belief in Genesis 1:1, â€Å"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth† is a sheer step of faith rather than an uninformed stab in the dark. The ideas and theories of past philosophers have greatly affected the divorce between faith and reason however John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio has significantly helped the church and her people understand and feel comfortable with the concept of a ‘circle’ holding both entities together in a strong union where on e feeds off the other. Theologians face a danger when thinking opposed to the late pope’s discussion as the concept draws contradictions and confusion from believers that leads to the assumption that they are less than faithful in the eyes of God for considering reasonable and proven evidence. Olsen, Ross Faith and Reason: What is the Relationship?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Existentialist Curriculum on the Humanities

â€Å"I should seek not the way, but my way. † Rather than follow a strict set of rules about what school should or should not be like, the existentialist chooses his or her own vision of education. There is truly no one right way for students to learn or one method of teaching that is universally applicable. Existentialism classrooms therefore offer freedom for both educator and student. The existentialist model also encourages growth and creativity through limitless freedom. As Blaise Pascal said, â€Å"Live today as if you were to die tomorrow. According to this philosophy, the students and teachers would do whatever they felt inspired to do at that moment, and curriculum would be loose. The existentialist teacher eschews structure. The existentialist does not attempt to become a specialist because to do so is too restricting. I agree with the quote, â€Å"Specialization diminishes a man-He is a creature of knowledge, not the master of it. † I also appreciate the existentialist vision of education as a â€Å"conversation between persons in which each person remains a subject for the other, a conversation. With this viewpoint, the teacher is not authoritarian, and does not stand up in front of the class and lecture all day. Finally, the existentialist teacher helps students achieve self-realization. I agree that the purpose of education is more than just to memorize multiplication tables or vocabulary words. There is a reason why students don't like school, and if more teachers incorporated the fundamental philosophies of existentialism in their classrooms, more students would enjoy school. Learning would be more fun. I had an existentialist teacher in high school. The class was social studies, but we did not have a textbook. Rather, the teacher taught to us from Buddhist teachings and encouraged each student in the class to discuss the meaning of life. Instead of memorizing historical data, we learned how to think creatively about our world and about our own selves. The existentialist classroom can focus on any subject. In fact, the true existentialist classroom focuses on as many subjects as possible, and is not restricted to math, English, science, or history. However, when teaching restrictive subjects like math, the teacher uses highly creative methods rather than rote learning. The existentialist teacher brings in various multimedia materials, and welcomes technology as a tool for teaching. The teacher teaches whatever the students appear interested in on that day rather than force them to focus on one specific thing. The students and teacher might sit together in a circle, rather than in typical classroom format. Students are encouraged to tell stories and share jokes. They might perform some creative projects with art or music. Games are also encouraged. The existentialist class is frequently held outside on the lawn on sunny days, or alternatively, goes on a field trip to a park or wherever seems fun that day. If it's raining, the teacher might bring in a movie to teach a unit on cinematography or on a specific theme. The existentialist classroom also incorporates current events as a means to expand the students' awareness of their universe. Furthermore, the teacher imparts knowledge regarding psychological and social coping skills; the existentialist class is not about rote memorization of specific materials but rather on the big picture: the meaning of life and the life purpose behind education. The existentialist views humanity as integral in the perception of reality. Rather than see a physical universe â€Å"out there† that exists independently of the person as a realist would, the existentialist knows that human consciousness alters reality. Human beings are therefore active creators and participants in the universe. In order to better understand the metaphysical underpinnings of the universe we first need to better understand ourselves. The quote â€Å"Man is nothing other than what he makes himself† refers to the power of human consciousness in shaping personal as well as collective reality: we are what we think. Human beings are born with free will; free will is neither good nor an ideal; often free will is a source of our pain and suffering, for when we make mistakes we suffer the consequences. Therefore, free will enables human beings to make painful mistakes in order that we may learn and grow. Because of the absolute nature of free will, each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own actions. Knowledge is highly variable, and not as absolute as some may believe. An individual's knowledge depends on his or her interpretation of the world, and is also highly dependent on his or her personal value systems. Beliefs inform reality. While some knowledge has been codified, the codification of knowledge is not absolute. Human beings are continuously shifting our view of the universe, as our understanding expands and grows. Moreover, people in different cultures and from different backgrounds have different worldviews and therefore have different knowledge. No one form of knowledge is any more or less valuable than another, just different. Specialization is an attempt to own knowledge, to master something completely. However, specialization â€Å"diminishes the man† because specialization is by definition limiting. The existentialist teacher seeks as many different opinions as possible to enrich the conversation. Teaching is a process of conversation and collaboration, a back-and-forth sharing of ideas. All teachers must be aware of their limitations and not attempt to falsely represent themselves as â€Å"experts. † An existentialist curriculum will focus on the humanities because of the openness and creativity inherent in the humanities. Students actively participate; they don't simply sit back and try to absorb material from the teacher.

Pip’s conversation with Biddy Essay

Pip’s change whilst being in London, has meant he sees wealth as everything. â€Å"If I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.† Showing that firstly, he’d do anything to stop Joe’s visit, and also he can buy anything, and that money can solve anything.  Pip feels embarrassed, he doesn’t want to be seen with Joe, â€Å"my greatest reassurance was, that he was coming to Barnards Inn,† showing he doesn’t want to be associated with someone of Joe’s status. Joe himself realises the change in Pip, † you wont find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress.† This displays Joe’s uncomfortableness, and unease, he realises Pip has change, and doesn’t see Joe the same as before. However Pip also becomes conscious of his change, â€Å"if I had been easier with Joe, Joe would have been easier with me.† Showing Pip’s tension, and impatience with Joe. Pip makes Joe feel uneasy, † us two now being now alone Sir.† The key word is ‘Sir’, Joe sees the change in Pip and feels obliged to call him Sir. As Pip has ‘grown accustomed’ to his great expectations, he has noted the change in himself. â€Å"I had insensibly begun to notice their effect upon myself,† showing he realises the effect people have had on him, which has caused him to change during the course of his ‘expectations.’ He recognizes this effect is not all positive, â€Å"I knew very well that it was not all good,† screening he has accredited the change within him. We see Pip build a sense of guilt, towards Joe and Biddy, â€Å"I lived in a state of chronic uneasiness respecting my behaviour to Joe.† â€Å"My conscience was not by any means comfortable about Biddy.† He has realised his mistreatment toward them.  Upon hearing the death of his sister Pip, starts to notice her, in ‘his world.’ â€Å"In my rooms too, with which she had never been at all associated, there was at once the blankness of death.† Showing the effect of her death within him.  Biddy tells Pip she is leaving the forge, he replies with: † I am not going to leave poor Joe alone,† showing his fondness of Joe, which is a drastic change, from their previous meeting in London. Even whilst at the forge and with Biddy, Pip still relates to wealth, â€Å"I would spend any money,† showing his continuous thought of money, which is such a change from his young childhood.  Pip changes towards Joe, â€Å"good-bye, dear Joe!- no don’t wipe it off- for God’s sake give me your blackened hand. This shows he respects Joe and likes him for who he is â€Å"man he was.† Pip realises he prefers London, he thinks Joe and Biddy knows he does, he thinks they believe he wont come back, his response is a â€Å"they were quite right to.† This is a clear representation of his change since his younger years. When Pip sees Magwitch, and learns that he is in fact his benefactor, he is disturbed, he is positively repulsed to find, Magwitch is the person who has raised him to become a gentlemen. â€Å"The abhorrence in which I held the man, the dread I had of him, the repungance with which I shrank from him, could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.† Dickens choice of words, illustrate Pip’s horror and hatred towards Magwitch, â€Å"abhorrence,† â€Å"repungance,† and â€Å"dread.† He uses animal imagery to convey his pure displeasure that Magwitch is in fact his benefactor. We see the change Magwitch brings about in Pip, † O, that he had never come! That he had left me at the forge-far from contented, yet, by comparison, happy.† For the first time since being in London, Pip’s views of the forge, have changed. He reconsiders his current position in London.  Pip doesn’t want anything to do with Magwitch, † he laid his hand upon my shoulder. I shuddered at he thought that for anything I knew, his hand might be stained with blood.† He sees Magwitch as dirty, he sees the money to be untrue and dirty also, which is a change, as before the money was everything to him. When pip finally reconsiders his situation, he is thoroughly disheartened: â€Å"It was not until I began to think, that I began fully to know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I has sailed was gone to pieces.† Showing that he believes his, ambitions, aspirations and hopes are all shattered.  Pip regrets his mistreatment of Joe and Biddy, â€Å"worthless conduct,† he sees how bad he’s been. He sums his emotions up at the end of the chapter, â€Å"thick black darkness,† this is how he sees his life after his changing reunion with Magwitch. Within chapter 40, Pip is still demoralised by finding Magwitch to be his benefactor, † I was greatly dejected and distressed.† Showing the change Magwitch has had on Pip since he made himself recognized. Pip analyses Magwitch, â€Å"he ate in a ravenous way, that was very disagreeable.† This is a sign of his change, he notes his manners, and sees his etiquette as wrong. Dickens used the word ‘disagreeable,’ which, represents, that its disagreeable to Pip, in his new found hierarchy. Dickens again uses animal imagery to convey Pip’s feelings towards Magwitch , â€Å"he looked terribly like a hungry old dog.† This represents Pip’s dislike for Magwitch. Pip is desperate to know how long Magwitch will stay, â€Å"in a frenzy of fear and dislike†¦. I want to know how you are to be kept out of danger, how long you are going to stay.† The key words are: ‘fear’ and ‘dislike,’ these are clear depiction of his disgust towards Magwitch.  We notice a huge change within Pip. He now recognises his affection toward Magwitch. He believes he should do right by Magwitch before he dies, â€Å"it became the first duty of my life to say to him, and read to him, what I knew he ought to hear.† Showing his consideration of compassion for Magwitch. Pip informs Magwitch about Estella, â€Å"she is living now. She is a lady and very beautiful. And I love her† He feels his duty, is to complement Magwitch on Estella. The change in Pip is that he inevitably forgives and pardons Magwitch, he wishes the best for him. â€Å"O, lord be merciful.† This is a drastic change to his initial thoughts towards him, when he discovered he was his benefactor.  Within chapter 57, as Pip comes out of his fever, we observe a change in him. Pip again worships Joe, â€Å"O, God bless him! O, God bless this gentle Christian man!† Showing his repentance. Pip changes his view of the word ‘wealth.’ â€Å"Wealth of his good nature,† showing his new appreciation of wealth, he has realised that, wealth in money terms doesn’t make a gentlemen, where as wealth in nature, and kindness does. Pip’s change is shown with: â€Å"I went towards them slowly, for my limbs were weak, but with a sense of increasing relief as I drew nearer to them, and a sense of leaving arrogance and untruthfulness further and further behind.† This shows he believes he’s leaving his ‘arrogance’ and ‘untruthfulness’ behind him, these are the factors of a gentlemen he now perceives to be appalling. Pip’s appreciation of Joe is exposed with, â€Å"my first thought was one of great thankfulness, that I had never breathed this last baffled hope to Joe.† He’s so happy he didn’t destroy Joe. This is a change in his feelings for Joe. His further appreciation of Joe is shown within Pip’s conversation with Biddy. â€Å"Dear Biddy, you have the best husband in the whole world, and if you could have seen him by my bed you would have-But no, you couldn’t love him better than you do.† This shows his sheer delight with both Joe and Biddy. He both recognises Joe and Biddy as good natured people, but also he recognises his mistakes. â€Å"You were both so good and true.† â€Å"To grow up a much better man than I did.† He identifies his life wasn’t all good, and he acknowledges his mistakes.  In conclusion, Pip has changed his depiction of the word, ‘gentlemen.’ He no longer sees it to revolve around education, wealth and social standing. Due to the positive effect that Joe has upheld within Pip, Pip appreciation of a ‘gentlemen’ is to be concerned with, faithfulness, generosity and goodness. Pip lost everything whilst in London, he now however has gained so much more, with respect and understanding, of not only himself but others also.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How Can The Holocaust Be Explained Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

How Can The Holocaust Be Explained - Essay Example By doing so, endless research into this period in history has resulted in different viewpoints that even share important common ground regarding research into the Holocaust. In order to understand the entirety of historic events such as the Holocaust, it is important to take different intellectual perspectives. This helps one to attain a view that has minimum bias, and thus provides an explanation that may be generally considered. In studying historic events such as the Holocaust that took place during the Second World War, it is important to use different perspectives, as these help one to uncover how the event unfolded. This is of particular importance because the Holocaust is not a historic event that took place overnight; it was one that lasted years, and commenced under the strong hand of a military regime. Two perspectives that help in gaining insight into the Holocaust include the functionalist and intentionalist perspectives. These two perspectives are significant because they both share common ground, but argue their individual viewpoints. The intentionalist perspective holds that Hitler had intentions of annihilating the Jews from Germany much before 1939. The functionalist perspective holds that the cruelties the Jews faced were a result of competing forces in the lower German ranks, many of which were done to please Hitler1. Having said this, both perspectives accept that Hitler despised the Jews. Also, the common ground shared includes both perspectives acknowledging that the Holocaust took place, which is unlike other conflicting viewpoints. The intentionalist perspective and the functionalist perspective have two levels each. In the following part of the paper, both levels of each perspective will be included in the discussion, as they are significant in determining how the Holocaust can be explained. Proponents of the extreme side of the intentionalist perspective hold that Hitler had

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

4.Review the main features of TWO welfare reforms passed by the post Essay

4.Review the main features of TWO welfare reforms passed by the post war Labour government 1946-1951 - Essay Example There were two main reforms that are still impacting the United Kingdom are the National Health Service and the National Insurance Act, both of 1946. The National Health Service (NHS) was a major achievement not only for the Labour government but also for the nation as a whole. This program allowed free medical treatment for everyone, not just the 21 million people who were covered by the National Health Insurance, the predecessor to the NHS. (Leichter 1979, p. 158) This program which was finally rolled out in 1948 was at first vehemently opposed by the majority of doctors who believed that this form of health coverage would end up ruining medical practices. The doctors who were originally opposed soon realized that their fears were unjustified and joined the ranks of those assisting the needy. The other major reform was the National Insurance Act which came into effect soon after World War II was officially over combined three already established insurance schemes into one. These three covered unemployment insurance, national health insurance, and the contributory pension. When the Act was put into place, it became necessary for all of the adult population to carry insurance, which was subsidized by the government and employers. (Barr 1993, p. 3) This ensured that all those of working age could receive care, therefore enabling more productivity. While not without issue, these two acts really changed the focus of how the United Kingdom saw assistance, and how individuals received it. Due to the recent conflict, the nation had already established a family allowance which in combination with the National Insurance Act and the National Health Service covered close to 100% of the population which was intended by the Labour Government as well as the driving force for the National Health Services, Aneurin Bevan. (Rintala 2003, p. 3) Although many liked the care, it was

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Performance Rights Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Performance Rights Act - Essay Example It is actually one of nine bills headed for the same thing but with a little different wordage. The plan is to require all radio performances including terrestrial radio, to pay performance license fees to artists for the broadcast of music ( At this point in time webcasters , satellite companies, and cable companies all pay artists and others for the right to play recorded music but terrestrial radio is not required to do so. The nine bills that are now in Congress are meant to try to equalize this situation. Some of those bills are HR4788 sponsored by Representative Howard Berman, HR 848 presented by Representative John Conyers and another by Senator Partick Leahy. Senator Leahy states that presently it is very unfair and unjust for the radio companies not to have to pay for recordings. To them, it is there livelihood and it is unjust to not get paid for what they do as artists. The Performance Rights bill is meant to stop that unfairness( The Performance Rights bill will close an ancient loop hole in the copyright law that was created and allowed AM & FM radio stations to earn $16 million a year in advertising revenue without compensating the artists and musicians who have brought them the music in the first place. These artists bring the music to life and the music brings the listeners to the radio dial ( AM & FM radio becau AM & FM radio because of the loop hole is the only platform of music that does not pay the artists and musicians a fee for the use of their music, in fact this is the only country in which this occurs. According to the artists, AM & FM radio have received a free pass. Sam Moore says, that American broadcasters have earned billions of dollars by playing the music created by these artists and all the artists want is to receive what artists in every other country around the world receives when their recordings are broadcast, fair compensation for the performance of their work. All the Performance Rights Act does is to bring the United States into line with other countries in the world. The major provisions of the act include providing a statutory license for making one payment annually under a set rate through negotiations or by the Copyright Royalty Board for all the music they play. This would be in place of the original thought of having to negotiate every copyright owner for each use of their music. This Act would accommodate small broadcasters and others by assuring balance and fairness that is not presently there. More than 75% of all commercial radio stations would pay only $1,000 per year. People like talk radio who only use music incidentally would not have to pay the fee and neither would religious radio. Most of the other 8 amendments read very close to the same way. The Future of Music Coalition has many issues going on at this point and only one of those is the Performance Rights Act. The future of the web and what it means to the music industry is part of their concern at the moment. Many artists are now using the internet to do their own open bookings of live concerts as well as selling merchandise, and booking tours. Almost all of them are building fan bases on the web. The Live Nation and Ticketmaster controversy and merger has concerned many of the artists enough to cause them to find ways to take on some of this business venture themselves. This

Saturday, October 5, 2019

JCT Design & Build Contract Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

JCT Design & Build Contract - Coursework Example One other significant change to the payment provisions is the outlawing of the clause ‘pay when paid’. The new act also sets timescales to follow when making payments for contracts. Another change regarding the payments is that if one party fails to issue notice of payment as the contract requires, the other party can step in and issue such notice, extending the date for final payment. Any such payments specified by notice ought to be paid before the final date of payment. Contracts stand to benefit a lot from these amendments. Unlike in the previous law, contractors have an active role in the payment provisions. For instance, contractors can recover some of their funds for the work done when a contract is suspended. This was not possible in the previous legal framework. Contractors can also benefit from the fact that contracts no longer have to be in written. Some of the matters agreed upon by the parties verbally can also be incorporated in the contract. This ensures that the contractors are not shortchanged whenever they make verbal agreements with their clients. Additional works in a contract comprise of variations to the original scope of the building contract. This is a common occurrence in building contracts where variations can occur due various emerging issues in performing contractual obligations. JCT 2011 Design and Build Contract provides various provisions on how contactors should deal with alterations to the original terms of the contracts when valuing additional works. Clause 2.11 of the law, for instance, states that â€Å"Subject to Clause 2.15, the Contractor shall not be responsible for the contents of the Employer’s Requirements or for verifying the adequacy of any design contained within them.†This clause protects the contractor from suffering losses when the client or employer changes terms or requirements of the contract. In a

Friday, October 4, 2019

Theory of Managing and Leading Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Theory of Managing and Leading Change - Essay Example The evaluation of this decision rests solely on the shoulders of the decision makers at AEGON who were doing their best to expand their business realms within different international markets. Since comprehending the environment was mandatory on their part, their next step was to get familiarized with the key issues that they shall be getting used to as far as managing operations were concerned. This is a certain aspect that reduction of uncertainty will come about as a positive step for the sake of managing and leading a positive change, in line with the AEGON case. The theory of managing and leading change is essentially the inherent basis for the sake of AEGON since it wishes to move towards the UK market and explore the market there. Since the people have a diabolical and confusing perspective regarding the life insurance and pensions industry in general, AEGON is marred with such viewpoints on the part of the people and this is where leading a positive change comes into the equat ion. It shall resolve the ambiguities that exist within the related domains and create a room of optimism all around. Appointing a new CEO for the UK market is a step in the right direction as it will set the basis for bringing in a new thought process into the fray. Also instituting audit committees would resolve the issues which have sprung up for all the wrong reasons within AEGON for a specified period of time. Essentially speaking, leading and managing change is a difficult process which once undertaken can only rein in positive results for organizations and their top management realms. Hence it would be a good option for AEGON to enter the UK market and make a name for its own self which will be the basis of its success in the years to follow (Marshak, 2004:112). Â